Wednesday, September 16, 2020

First Day of School

 Hello parents and families,

As we prepare for our first cohorts of students to arrive tomorrow I want to thank all of you again for working so hard to prepare for this moment. We are all so fortunate to work in a supportive school community and I have said several times that we're all rowing in the same direction. This has allowed us to make the best and safest decisions, to remain upbeat, and to be well prepared for welcoming our students back to school.

Tomorrow all students in cohorts B and C will be attending in person while A and D are in remote.

Michael, Cynthia, Gina and I, along with central office staff, and Mr. Buckley and Mr. McGowan, will be honorary bus monitors tomorrow morning (and Monday). We can't wait!

A few reminders and updates.

*Please continue to complete the daily health screener. This document has been an effective tool to help our nurses and administration communicate with those who have questions or concerns. This link can be accessed every day and should be submitted the morning of arrival (not the night before) for anyone reporting to campus or the bus each day. 

*Please stay home if you are unwell.

*Please continue to bring and wear your facemask. The more we wear our masks, maintain safe physical distancing, and wash our hands the safer we will all be.

*As you know all students will be required to have flu shots prior to December 31st. To assist with this process there will be clinics for students, parents, and staff on 10/6-10/8 from 12pm - 4pm at the fields near the Batchelder School provided by CVS Health in cooperation with the town of North Reading. More information will be coming soon on these clinics as well as others offered in North Reading.

*Important: Please take this important survey from the North Reading Recreation Department about a Remote Learning Assistance program that they are hoping to provide for interested families (as space allows). Please complete this program to indicate your interest in learning more about this opportunity.

Thank you for all that you do every day to support our students and schools! Have a great first day!


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