Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Social-Emotional Impact of School Closure

The last several weeks have been unprecedented times for our students and staff as well as all of the families in our community. While much of my communication to date has been about the logistical implications of our school closure, I am writing this week to discuss some of the more social-emotional aspects of our current situation.


Last week I joined others on social media and “tweeted” my senior picture as a sign of solidarity with our North Reading High School Seniors. I promise that even though it is black and white we did have color way back then!

Transitions at all levels are challenging and we’ve heard from our students that this school closure has been particularly difficult for our seniors. As a teacher for over a decade who worked primarily with seniors I came to better understand the emotions and feelings that bring our students together in their last year of high school, especially as we approach the final months. There is a bond that students have and the spring of senior year provides so many opportunities for ceremony, some formal and others informal, that has been especially difficult for our students in the Spring of 2020.

Mr. Loprete and I have been in constant communication throughout our closure and he has many great ideas on how to support our students. He is communicating directly with students in the senior class to connect with them on a personal level and I appreciate his thoughtfulness on this important aspect of our students’ well-being.


We are also aware that our students in grades 5 and 8 are also experiencing some anxiety about the transitions to the new buildings. Much like our seniors, the students in grades 5 and 8 have ceremonies, both formal and informal, as they finish up their final days in their current buildings and grades.

Our administrative team is actively discussing the importance of recognizing the need to provide opportunities for these students to also experience some of the ceremony that they would typically have in the spring. We may need to be creative and think outside of the box but I am confident that we will ensure that there are many special and memorable moments that we can provide our students in order to support them with the social-emotional foundation they will need to move forward.


Our teachers, administrators, students, and families have been so wonderful in reaching out with ideas and suggestions to support all students. There are many questions that remain, but as we move forward I continue to suggest that our school community connects with building principals on ideas so that we can continue to have a coordinated approach.

The most important idea that we can convey to anxious students is that this spring of 2020 will certainly be different but it will be special in its own way. Everyone in the North Reading Public Schools community is committed to recognizing and celebrating the important milestones of our students’ lives and although it may look different we will certainly find a way to provide these important and memorable experiences for our students.

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